Here we go again...

Bump and Beyond is expanding! But not in the way you think…I’m pregnant! At the time of writing this, we’re actually 23 weeks, which blows my mind!

If you’re new here, then you may not know that it took us a long time to get pregnant with our first - read my full story here - and that we felt blessed to have just the one child. Now, to be expecting our second, we feel beyond grateful and excited.

This pregnancy so far is very different to my first. Not so much physically - though the first trimester was rough compared! - but certainly in terms of how fast it’s going and how much time I feel I have to dedicate to it. The first time around we were well into our hypnobirthing course by now; planning and looking forward to the birth. I was lathering up bump nightly, my husband was talking to bump daily and we were both researching, comparing and stocking up on baby paraphernalia!

Cue second pregnancy and I am trying to remember to give bump some attention, my husband hasn’t really spoken to it at all, we haven’t yet bought anything and while we are of course excited for baby’s arrival, I am more focused on making the most of this precious time with just Arlo and planning an early Christmas…just in case baby makes an early arrival before the New Year.

I’ll do a full 1st trimester post in the coming days, in part for myself to document this time as I did with my first, but also because if you’re reading this, and/or you’re anything like me, it’s always interesting to read about other pregnancy experiences! Stay tuned!