Hypnobirthing - My experience thus far

I write this, 25 weeks pregnant, having just completed a Hypnobirthing course with The Happy Birthing Co.

Now you may be thinking, ‘Hypnobirthing?! Well that sounds pretty hippy-dippy!” but let me tell you from the offset, it’s not. Nor is it actually anything to do with being hypnotised. In all honesty, I had a pretty similar outlook the first time I heard the term and actually wrote it off as something that I wouldn’t be able to achieve. I’m quite highly strung and anxious person who, not without trying, struggles to relax and get into the zone when asked to or attempting to meditate. That said, a couple of years ago I met Laura (owner of The Happy Birthing Co.) through work and I gained a little more perspective. As time progressed I spoke more to Laura and a few of my clients spoke so highly about their positive experiences with Hypnobirthing and so I decided that when the time came, I would at least have to give it a try. And boy, I’m SO happy I did.

So what is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is essentially a birth education course. It teaches you the mechanics of labour including the hormones involved, the different stages and the logistics of getting a baby out. Thereafter, it opens your eyes to the different options that are available to you - where do you want to deliver your baby? What pain relief are you comfortable with? Do you know what ‘induction’ actually entails? What type of labour do you envisage and how do you want to look back on your labour? Finally, the course teaches you techniques - meditation, relaxation and breathing - to help you deliver your baby into the world in a calm and relaxed way.


We completed a four-week course, sitting down with Laura (via Zoom) for a couple of hours each Saturday. From the first session it became apparent that Joe and I had very different views of labour. Mine came from a place of having done a little background reading on Hypnobirthing and what it can achieve and having read and watched positive birth stories. Joe’s came from watching One Born Every Minute, seeing the dramatisation of birth in movies and perhaps hearing horror stories from his family and friends. That said, after just that first session, Joe’s perception and expectations began to shift and my own hopes for our birth story felt validated and understood, but most of all within reach.

As the weeks progressed we both learned so much about our rights and options, plus regulations and the facts and statistics surrounding UK births. After each session Joe and I would go for a walk to discuss what we’d learned, what we thought and what we wanted and ultimately by the fourth and final session, we’d shaped the narrative for our ideal birth story.

Now of course, we can plan the birth we’d like down to the T, but baby may have other ideas. However, that’s fine as Laura helped us work out our Plan B (…and C!) so that we feel prepared and empowered for any and every eventuality.

For me, prior to starting the course, labour was perhaps the most intimidating part of pregnancy (I’m sure I’m not alone thinking that?!), however having now completed the course I feel excited, prepared and empowered to birth our baby. It’s almost like: Challenge accepted! Bring it on!

For Joe, as my Husband and birth partner, birth was a scary thought and something he had just accepted was going to be unpleasant with lots of screaming, shouting, red faces and people rushing around. But - and I can vouch for this as I’ve published this post having checked with him first - completing the course has totally changed his perception. It has helped him feel involved in the pregnancy, prepared for his role in the birth and so much more confident in welcoming our little one into the world.

So what’s next?

We will continue to do our homework; to practise the meditations together and to talk about our thoughts and expectations in the lead up to meeting our baby. I will continue to read and remind myself of the positive affirmations I’ve chosen, keep practising breathing techniques and work on getting into the right headspace for a calm and relaxing birth when the time comes.

If you’ve read this and think you’d like to give Hypnobirthing a try, then I 100% recommend Laura and The Happy Birthing Co.!

Website: www.thehappybirthingco.com

Instagram: thehappybirthingco